Gubbe proudly announces the appointment of its Co-Founder Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen as its new CEO

December 20, 2024

Gubbe’s Co-Founder, TtM, Ft, Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen, has been appointed as the CEO of Gubbe, effective 2.5.2024. She joins from her previous position as Gubbe’s Service and Public Sector Business Director. Laaksonen has extensive experience in elderly care services and leadership, with core competencies in public business development. In view of the strategy chosen by the company to focus on the public side and welfare areas, it is logical to transfer the responsibility of the CEO to Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen, while simplifying the management structure at the same time. 

Under the leadership of its former CEO Sandra Lounamaa, the company has grown from an idea to an established player in the elderly care sector in Finland and Sweden, setting a new benchmark for quality standards in elderly care services from both an employee and customer perspective. Through several phases, the company has raised significant amounts of funding, grown and expanded internationally, and now adapted to the current market situation. It has achieved a stable position and a clear strategy as a provider of public support services and continues to invest heavily in building a pioneering, technology-enabled, high-quality elderly care enterprise.

“I have big shoes to fill, and this is a big change and feels like an end of an era after leading the company together for 5,5 years. At the same time I feel confident knowing the company's huge strengths inside out. Gubbe has exceptionally high customer satisfaction (NPS 75), and we have succeeded in attracting tens of thousands of young people to the elderly care field. The employees at the office are extremely committed, and the focus is clear – to address the shortage of doers in the public sector and the crisis in elderly services. "I couldn't imagine a better starting point for continuing and developing the business. I look forward to delivering value to our customers, Gubbe Helpers and shareholders," says Laaksonen.

Sandra Lounamaa will remain a major shareholder in the company and a member of the Board of Directors. "This is a significant step for me personally, but I am confident that our decision is the right one and will contribute to the company's future growth. I will do everything in my power to support the success of our shared vision."

"I want to congratulate Meri-Tuuli for her appointment as CEO of Gubbe. This transition in leadership is very natural as we are shifting strategic focus more towards serving the public sector, given Meri-Tuuli’s previous role and strong experience in working with public customers. At the same time, I would like to thank Sandra for her visionary and passionate leadership in building Gubbe into a well-known actor in the elderly care sector in Finland. I believe that this change is the right step forward in pursuing our ambitious vision." commented Harri-Pekka Kaukonen, Chairman of the Board of Gubbe.

For more information, please contact

Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen,, +358 40 0941989

Harri-Pekka Kaukonen, +358 40 6529605

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