Redeem 2 weeks of free Gubbe visits and enter the giveaway!
Gubbe ensures that your loved one senior stays active and is happier during and after the weekly visits of a "Gubbe-friend".
Gubbe visits can include outdoor activities, exercise, learning more about technology devices and cooking together etc. The service and weekly visits are always tailored to meet the wishes and needs of the elderly loved one and their family.
Redeem 2 weeks of free Gubbe visits for your loved one with the "TIETOEVRY" code. You will be automatically entered the giveaway of a gift card of 3-months of free Gubbe visits! The code is valid and the giveaway is open until the end of March 10th, so be quick!
Please note that the 2 week benefit or the giveaway prize can not be combined with an existing Gubbe customership.
How does the Gubbe service work? Julia will answer!
(the video is unfortunately only in Finnish)
Redeem the free trial and enter the giveaway!
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Gubbe on tutkitusti vaikuttava hoivapalvelu, joka tarjoaa säännölliset hoivapalvelut ikäihmisille. Olemme sosiaalihuoltolain mukaisen tukipalvelun tuottaja koko Suomessa. Gubben palvelusta hyötyy jokainen ikäihminen – iästä ja kunnosta riippumatta. Kiireetöntä hoivaa aina tutulta Gubbe-avustajalta, kotiin tai palvelutaloihin.